
Use filters to search feedback

The Feedback page allows you to search feedback using filters. You can sort and filter feedback based on it's attributes such as type, status, priority, tags, and more. You can also search feedback by keyword.

Once you are in the Feedback page you can use the Filter button to open the filter panel. Here are the steps to use filters:

  1. Open the Filter panel by clicking the Filter button.
  2. Select the attribute you want to filter feedback by.
  3. Select the operator you want to use for the filter. Usually the common operators are already selected for you.
  4. Select the value you want to filter feedback by.
  5. Filters are applied automatically as you select them.
  6. You can add multiple filters by clicking the Add another filter button.

You can clear a single filter by clicking the trash icon next to the filter in the filter panel. If you have multiple filters applied, you can clear all filters by clicking the Clear all filters button.

You can also search feedback by keyword. Enter the keyword you want to search feedback by in the search bar at the top of the page. Feedback that contain the keyword in their title, description will be displayed. You can use the filters in combination with the keyword search to narrow down your search results. You can clear search keyword by clicking the X button in the search bar.

You can sort feedback by opening the Sort dropdown by clicking the Sort button. Here are the steps to sort feedback:

  1. Open the Sort dropdown by clicking the Sort button.
  2. Press Add sort button to add a sorting rule.
  3. Select the attribute you want to sort feedback by.
  4. Select the order you want to sort feedback in. By default, feedback is sorted in ascending order based on the selected attribute.
  5. Sorts are applied automatically as you select them.

You can clear sorting by clicking the trash icon next to the sorting rule in the sort panel. If you have multiple sorting rules applied, you can clear all sorting rules by clicking the Clear all sorts button.

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