Customizing your widget

Feedback form

The Widget > Feedback Form page allows you to configure the feedback form of your feedback widget. You need to configure the form for each available feedback type you selected in the Welcome Screen. You can drag and drop fields from Hidden Fields to Visible Fields to make them appear on your feedback form. You can further customize each field by clicking on them to view available options.

Configuring the feedback form for each feedback type

You need to select the feedback type you want to configure the form for. All options on this page are specific to the selected feedback type. You must configure the form separately for each feedback type. You can find the selected feedback type on top the page.

Configure the header displayed at the top of the feedback form for each feedback type.

  • Show Logo: Toggle the display of your brand logo on the form header.
  • Show Heading: Enable or disable the form heading.
    • Heading Text: Customize the heading text for this feedback type.

You can customize the available fields, their labels, options and requirements for your feedback form. Each form comes with default fields for each feedback type but you can fully customize the fields according to your use-case.

Form Fields section shows the default fields a feedback can have. You can add these fields to your feedback by dragging them from Hidden Fields to Visible Fields, and remove them by dragging them back to Hidden Fields. You can also reorder the fields by dragging them up or down within the Visible Fields section.

You can customize field label, it's placeholder and it's requirement when you expand to show options of the field by clicking on them.

Apart from the available fields that belong to the feedback, you can add completely new fields the feedback form according to your use-case. You can do this by pressing Add a custom field on the bottom of the fields list. After you press a new field will appear at the Visible Fields section. Just change the field type, its name and label according to your need.

Here are the available custom field types:

Used for simple input text.

  • Field Name: A name for the field that will be shown as custom data in the feedback screen.
  • Label: Label that will be shown on the feedback form for this field.
  • Placeholder: Placeholder to show for this field.
  • Required: Whether this field is required or not while submitting the feedback.

Input field that support multiline text. Used for fields similar to description field. Options are same with the Text Field.

A checkbox styled input for your form. You can use this type for acknowledgements or yes/no type questions.

  • Field Name: A name for the field that will be shown as custom data in the feedback screen.
  • Text: Text that will be displayed next to checkbox describing it.
  • Required: Whether this field is required or not while submitting the feedback.

A plain text to show on the form. Has no user interaction. Can be used to inform user about your feedback process or any other informative text about your use-case.

  • Text: Text that will be show in the plain text area.

You can configure the text displayed on the submit button on the feedback form for this feedback type.

Welcome screen