Customizing your widget

Widget welcome screen

The Widget > Welcome Screen page allows you to customize the welcome screen of your feedback widget, including greetings, introductory messages, and selecting feedback categories that you want to be available for your widget.

Set up the greeting and welcome message users see when they open the feedback widget. You can also remove greeting or welcome message according to your preferences.

  • Greeting Text: Greeting message displayed on your welcome screen. Make sure to keep this very short and fit in one line for better look and feel.

  • Welcome Message Text: Welcome message displayed under the greeting text. It points the user to the available options and, depending on your use case, can be a question or a simple sentence to welcome and direct the user.

Control the feedback options displayed on the welcome screen. You can customize the title and description for each section or completely hide them. But remember feedback reported under each different section will still be displayed as the three main feedback types in Userowl.

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