
Managing feedback

Feedback detail page allows you to manage feedback. You can view feedback details, update feedback status, priority, type, tags, and more. You can also add comments to feedback, assign feedback to team members, send it to integrations, and more.

Feedback detail page is divided into the following sections.

The header section of the feedback detail page displays the feedback title, id, reporter, created date, and feedback status. You can update the feedback title by clicking on it and editing the title. You can also update the feedback status by clicking the status badge and selecting a new status from the dropdown.

The main content section of the feedback detail page displays the feedback description, screenshot, attachments and dev tools.

Attachments are files that are uploaded to the feedback. You can view and manage attachments in the attachments section. Attachments sometimes separated as pinned images and other attachments. You can upload most the common file types as attachments.

Just drag and drop the files to the attachments section to add an attachment to the feedback. You can also click the browse button to select files from your computer. You can view the progress of the upload in the attachments section. Once finished uploading, the attachment will be displayed in the attachments section.

If the uploaded attachment is an image and the feedback doesn't have a pinned image, the image will be displayed as a pinned image. If you have multiple image attachments you can hover over one of them and click the pin icon to pin the image.

You can delete an attachment by clicking the delete icon on the attachment. Once you delete an attachment, it cannot be recovered.

You can preview image type attachments by clicking expand icon on the attachment. The image will be displayed in a modal. You can use zoom slider at the bottom or pinch to zoom if your device supports it. You can close the modal by clicking the X button on top right or by pressing the ESC key.

Dev tools section displays the console logs that are collected from the user's browser. You can use the console logs to debug the issue reported in the feedback. Dev tools are displayed in a collapsible panel. You can expand and collapse the panel by clicking the panel header Show dev tools.

Once you expand the dev tools panel, you can see the console logs that are collected from the user's browser. You can see the log message, log type, and the time the log is collected. You can expand logs with stack trace by clicking on the log message. You can use the search bar to search for a specific log message. You can also filter the logs by log type using the filter toggle buttons.

The details section of the feedback detail page displays the feedback details such as feedback type, assignees, tags, priority and more. Details section is displayed on the right pane in desktop view. You can also see the session details of the feedback when you expand the details section by clicking on the panel header Show details.

Feedback type can be one of the three types: Bug Report, Feature Request, General Feedback. You can update the feedback type from the details section by clicking the feedback type and selecting a new type from the dropdown.

Assignees are the team members that are assigned to the feedback. You can assign feedback to team members by clicking the assignees section and selecting team members from the dropdown. You can assign multiple team members to a feedback.

Tags are used to categorize feedback. You can add tags to feedback by clicking the tags section and selecting tags from the dropdown. You can add multiple tags to a feedback. You can manage your tags in the Project Settings > Tags

Feedback priority can be one of the four priorities: Low, Normal, High, Urgent. You can update the feedback priority from the details section by clicking the priority and selecting a new priority from the dropdown. By default feedback have no priority.

You can send feedback to integrations by clicking the integrations section and selecting the integration you want to send the feedback to. You can send feedback to multiple integrations. You can manage your integrations in the Project Settings > Integrations. If you have no integrations configured, the integrations section will not be displayed.

Session information displays the user's session details when the feedback is collected. You can see the URL, user's browser, operating system, screen resolution, location and more. You need to expand the Show details panel to see the session information.

  • URL: URL of the page where the feedback is collected. Displayed as a relative URL, you can hover over the URL to see the full URL.
  • OS: User's operating system. Displayed as the operating system name and version.
  • Browser: User's browser. Displayed as the browser name and version.
  • Resolution: User's screen resolution. Displayed as width x height.
  • Window size: User's browser window size. Displayed as width x height.
  • Window position: User's browser window position. Displayed as x, y coordinates.
  • Device Pixel Ratio: Device Pixel Ratio (DPR) is the ratio between the physical pixel density of a device and its logical pixel density. Displayed as ratio, for example, @2x, @3x.
  • Color Depth: Color depth of the user's display. Displayed as bits per pixel.
  • IP: User's IP address. Displayed as IP address.
  • Location: User's location based on IP address. Displayed as country, city and more when available.

User data section displays the user's data that is collected when the feedback is collected. You can see the user's name, email, and custom data. You need to expand the Show details panel to see the user data. You can include name and email in your feedback form to collect user data.

Identifying logged-in users

You can identify your logged-in users by using the JavaScript API to set user data. Name and email field is not displayed in the feedback from if the logged-in user is identified. You can also include custom data to the feedback form to collect additional user data. Learn more about identifying logged-in users in JavaScript SDK docs.

Custom data section displays the custom data that is collected when the feedback is collected. You can either add custom fields to the feedback form or use the JavaScript API to set custom data. Custom data can be any information specific to your business needs. For user specific data, you can use the user data section. You need to expand the Show details panel to see the custom data.

You can archive feedback by clicking the Archive feedback button on the below of details section. Once you archive a feedback, it will be moved to the archived feedback list. You can view archived feedback by setting archived filter on the feedback list page. You can unarchive feedback by clicking the Unarchive feedback button on the archived feedback detail page.

You can add comments to feedback to discuss the feedback with your team members. To add a comment, type your comment in the comment box and press Comment button. You can also use the keyboard shortcut displayed on the comment box to comment without using the button. Most recent comments are displayed at the bottom.

You can toggle to see the activity of the feedback by clicking the toggle on the Comments section. Activity displays the history of the feedback such as status changes, priority changes, type changes, tags changes, and more. You can see who made the change and when the change is made. Activity is displayed in a timeline view with the most recent activity at the bottom. Comments are also displayed in the activity section.

Use filters to search feedback